IN-PERSON CAREER FAIR - September 21–24, 2021
Huskers can connect with over 130 employers recruiting for internships and full-time positions at the University Career Fair on September 21-24. Each day is focused on different career interest pathways.
The first three days - September 21, 22, and 23 - are scheduled for 12 to 4 p.m. in the Nebraska Union on city campus. The final day of the fair is 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. September 24 at the Nebraska East Union on east campus.
Student registration for the In-Person Career Fairs is open now on Handshake.
Attendees should also download the Career Fair+ app, where employers are listed and the details on their opportunities. The app provides a map for each day of the career fair and will help students plan their route for each day. Contact information for employer representatives is available in the app as well.
A professional photographer will be on site each day of the career fair to take photos of participating Huskers.
VITUAL CAREER FAIR - October 12–13, 2021
Handshake is the platform for the Virtual Career Fair from 2 to 4 p.m. October 12 & 13.
Student registration for the Virtual Career Fair will open September 20. Attendees must register to participate in the Virtual Career Fair, which will allow them to schedule 1:1 meetings with participating employers and to reserve a spot in group sessions.
Go to the Career Services website for tools, resources and guidance to help prepare for the career fairs, including:
- videos of employers answering frequently-asked-Career-Fair-questions
- advice on attire to wear
- how to research employers
- preparing for virtual meetings and more.
Students can also connect with a Career Coach for personalized answers and support. Schedule your Career Coaching appointments through MyPlan.