The 6th Annual Gender Equity Conference is a day-long event with presentations from multiple speakers that will cover a wide variety of topics related to gender equity and intersectionality. Other topics may include leadership, diversity, advocacy, social justice, or community interest topics.
The event schedule is designed with students in mind, as the 20- and 30- minute sessions allow popping in and out between classes all day. This also allows staff, faculty, and community members to attend sessions as they are able.
This year's presenters have been asked to discuss topics they are knowledgeable and passionate about while focusing on the intersections of gender equity within leadership, community interests, and advocacy. The hope is for presentations to be more thought-provoking and engaging than they may be if only allowed empirical research was permitted. The conference will be a similar structure to that of "TEDTalks." We will have space for about 8 speakers, whose proposals will be reviewed by a committee that will select conference presenters.
Some highlights of the conference include a panel with faculty members from the College of Arts and Sciences to discuss how western perspectives of gender equity misconstrue gender equity efforts in non-western nations; as well as talks from Dominique Morgan, the executive director of Black and Pink National; and Cinnamon Dokken, the owner of A Novel Idea Bookstore; with a keynote address from State Senator Megan Hunt.
To submit a proposal or register to attend, visit https://go.unl.edu/GEC21. Proposals must be submitted by October 25, and the last day to register is November 3.