Academic Technologies will provide training opportunities as part of the Learning Series until the end of the spring semester. The series will pause over the summer and resume in the fall. The Learning Series consists of weekly one-hour training sessions conducted via Zoom. Each session is dedicated to exploring a specific service area from the Academic Technologies service catalog. Below is the upcoming schedule:
- Classrooms 101 Jan. 30, 11 a.m.-12 p.m., Brace Laboratory Room 206 – In this in-person session, learn about classroom technology and basic troubleshooting. Discover lesser-known features available in many general-purpose classrooms across campus. Register online.
- Canvas Hacks Feb. 5, 10-11 a.m. – Explore Canvas "hacks" and secrets to enhance your experience as an instructor. Register online.
- New Quizzes and the Digital Learning Center Feb. 18, 10-11 a.m. –
Learn about the features of New Quizzes and the DLC and how these tools can work together. Register online.
All virtual sessions will be recorded and made available online in the Academic Technologies shared folder on YuJa.
For a synchronous online or in-person session on a specific topic, contact nusupport@nebraska.edu to schedule a one-on-one help session or a departmental presentation. Academic Technologies can provide small-scale and custom training sessions for any faculty or staff group on campus.
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