PGA Golf Management Students Earn Scholarships for 2019-20

Recipients of the Nebraska Section of the PGA Scholarships from left to right are Eric Kovarik, Joel Johnson, Blake Schroeder, and Kyle Murray
Recipients of the Nebraska Section of the PGA Scholarships from left to right are Eric Kovarik, Joel Johnson, Blake Schroeder, and Kyle Murray

This academic year has been an exciting one with more than $15,000 in program scholarships being awarded. We are grateful for all of the support from the community and those close to the program. The financial support they provide goes a long way in supporting students on the path to success.

Terrance and Judy Riordan Scholarship:
Nicolaus Latcham
Doris Zhao
Arihant Mittal (fall semester) – Joe Sherman (spring semester)

Martin and Ruth Massengale Professional Golf Management Scholarship:
Dillon Gillming
Brendan Bond

Henry and Nadine Bals Scholarship:
Josh Baldus

Nebraska Golf Foundation Scholarship:
Beth Hildebrant

The Nebraska Section of the PGA of America Scholarship:
Blake Schroeder
Kyle Murray
Joel Johnson
Eric Kovarik

UNL Spring Scramble Scholarship:
Joey Chandra
Justin Wagner
Beth Hildebrant
Dillon Gillming
Gabby Carollo

Congratulations to all of these deserving scholarship recipients and a special "THANK YOU" to the donors of these wonderful scholarship awards for the students in the PGA Golf Management Program at UNL!

More details at: