The Lancaster County Super Fair 4-H Horse Judging Contest will be held on Friday, June 2 at the Lancaster Event Center Fairgrounds – Pavilion 3, 5 p.m. You may register in advance by emailing name(s) and age(s) of youth to Kate Pulec at kpulec3@unl.edu or at the event 4:30–5 p.m. Open to all 4-H’ers — need not be enrolled in a horse project.
Ribbon placings will be awarded. This is a Lancaster County Super Fair contest held before the fair and premiums must be picked up Monday, Aug. 7, 7–11 a.m. at the Lancaster Event Center Fairgrounds – Lincoln Room. The top 10 contestants in all three age groups will be recognized at Horse Awards Night. The champion in each age group must participate in both judging and oral reasons to receive a belt buckle.