Each summer, student interns join the 4-H staff at Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County and provide much needed assistance. Three full-time Extension interns help with ongoing summer programming, including contests, Clover College, Lancaster County Super Fair and other activities.
• Ellie Latcham assists Extension Associate Kristin Geisert with Clover College, Super Fair static exhibits and contests. Ellie was a Lancaster County 4-H member for 11 years. This is her third summer as a 4-H intern in Lancaster County Extension. Ellie is an upcoming senior at University of Nebraska-Lincoln majoring in Textiles, Merchandising and Fashion Design.
• Stephanie Stephens assists Extension Assistant Jazmin Jurkevicius-Phares with the livestock projects. This is her third summer as a 4-H intern in Lancaster County Extension. Stephanie was a 4-H member in Buffalo County for 13 years. In December, she will graduate from UNL with a major in Agriculture Education and minor in Animal Science, then start working as the 4-H Extension Assistant in Otoe County.
• Jacie Pelikan assists Extension Associate Kate Pulec and Extension Assistant Elizabeth Thiltges with the horse, rabbit, dog, cat and household pet projects. This is her second summer as a 4-H intern in Lancaster County Extension. Jacie is an upcoming senior at UNL majoring in Applied Climate Science and Animal Science.