A 4-H Photography Fair Exhibiting Help Session for 4-H youth ages 8–18 will be held Thursday, July 13 from 9–11 a.m. at the Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County conference rooms, 444 Cherrycreek Road, Suite A, Lincoln. No fees or registration required, just drop in. Former Super Fair Photography Superintendent, Michelle Huber, will be on hand to answer questions about fair entry, give tips, provide guidance for photo selection and demonstrate the matting process. Bring your photography project(s) and get the help you need to get your exhibits ready for the Super Fair. Fair 4-H Static Exhibit Entry Tags and Photography Data Tags will be available.
Michelle Huber's mat recommendations:
• Purchase mats as early as possible to make sure they are in stock. These are in high demand as fair season gets closer.
• Each 8" x 10" print exhibit needs 2 mats:
(1) 11" x 14" with an 8" x 10" opening for the front (black mats are increasingly popular and look great on most photographs — though mats can be any color).
(1) 11" x 14" without an opening for the back (can be any color since it doesn't show).