How do you prepare a dog for a 4-H Show? How do you successfully train a dog? How are dogs judged? Learn all this and more at the upcoming 4-H Dog Workshop, held on Thursday June 8, 6 p.m. at the Greater Lincoln Obedience Club, 5740 Johanna Rd, Lincoln, NE 68507. Open to all youth and their families.
This free workshop will be a fun opportunity to learn about obedience, beginning steps of training, judging criteria and showmanship of your dog in 4-H shows! Bring your dog and come join us!
Any dog brought that does not have a rabies immunization record will be asked to leave immediately.
• Dogs shall be free of fleas, ticks, ear mites, worms, other parasites and infectious diseases.
• Dogs are required to be current on their vaccination of rabies. IMMUNIZATION RECORDS MUST BE PRESENTED AND WILL BE CHECKED AT ARRIVAL.
Please register using this link by June 7:
This workshop is presented by the Greater Lincoln Obedience Club and Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County. For more information, contact Elizabeth Thiltges at 402-441-7180 or elizabeth.thiltges@unl.edu