The University of Nebraska-Lincoln and its surrounding community is constantly evolving to reach greater heights as a 21st-century, world-leading land grant institution.
This month, learn about the exciting developments involving new research programs for students, experts speaking at international events, and national news recognition.
New program sparks research opportunities for first-year students
For decades, Nebraska’s Undergraduate Creative Activities and Research Experience program has prepared sophomore through senior students for their careers with hands-on learning and one-on-one faculty partnerships. A new program in the Office of Undergraduate Research, First-Year Research Experience, is extending that opportunity to freshmen — allowing them to dive straight into their areas of interest as soon as they step foot on campus.
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Daugherty Water for Food Institute leads topics at World Irrigation Forum
In early September, Daugherty Water for Food Institute Executive Director Peter McCornick provided a keynote address at the 2019 ICID World Irrigation Forum in Bali, Indonesia. The triennial World Irrigation Forum (WIF) aims to bring together all the stakeholders involved in irrigation of multi-disciplines and all scales, including the policy makers, experts, research institutions, non-governmental organizations and farmers.
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Nebraska in the national news: September 2019
During the month of September 2019, 70-plus news stories featuring Husker faculty, alumni and programs made national news for a variety of topics, including a new study about stress and politics, the opening of the Johnny Carson Center for Emerging Media Arts, multiple interviews featuring expert opinions by UNL faculty and more.
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To submit a campus news feature for the next edition of the Global Nebraska newsletter, please contact Courtney Van Hoosen in the Office of Global Strategies at cvanhoosen2@unl.edu.