Global Nebraska News - December 2018

Happy Winter Holidays!
Happy Winter Holidays!

Looking Back at 2018

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

As we draw closure to 2018, we look back on our successes and set our sights on next year's goals. Our accomplishments are numerous and Global Nebraska has so many reasons to celebrate.

In 2018, we launched the new Global Nebraska portal site and began our quest to map internationalization; we created strategic partnerships with stellar institutions across the Middle East, Asia, Africa and Europe; we received prestigious grant awards to advance our internationalization efforts on campus; we bolstered on-campus support for our international students and scholars; we launched the "Global Nebraska Experience" video campaign, showcasing the voices of our international students and alumni in their native languages; we worked with faculty across the institution to expand education abroad faculty-led programs; and we created new scholarship opportunities for study abroad, to name a few. It is with this great momentum that I know Global Nebraska will approach 2019.

"And now, let us welcome the New Year, full of things that never were." - Rainer Maria Rilke

Sonia Feigenbaum, Ph.D.
Associate Vice Chancellor for International Engagement
and Global Strategies/Senior International Officer
University of Nebraska-Lincoln


RECAP: ISSO's semester in review

ISSO had a blast hosting various programming events for its international students and scholars during the fall 2018 semester, from an Omaha Zoo trip and New Student Orientation, to visiting Roca Berry farm and bowling night at East Campus.Each month, the International Student and Scholar Office (ISSO) hosts several events to support engagement and intercultural education. Providing students and scholars the opportunity to mingle and learn from each other is a priority of the office, as reflected in its events for fall 2018. Continue reading…

Originally published December 12, 2018 - Submit an Item