The Lancaster County 4-H Speech and Public Service Announcement (PSA) contest was held on March 6. More than 35 Lancaster County 4-H youth competed in this year’s communication events. The following top winners will have the opportunity to represent Lancaster County at the State Speech & PSA contest on June 24 at University of Nebraska–Lincoln East Campus.
• Intermediate (10–12 years): Amorita Payne, Kyler Plugge, Alexa Smith, Callia Thompson, Kamryn Wanser
• Senior (13–18 years): Acacia Carlson, Kylie Hansen
Public Service Announcement (PSA) contest:
• Intermediate (10–12 years): Dayton Jons, Amorita Payne, Vanessa Peterson, Callia Thompson
• Senior (13–18 years): Mindy Bartels, Riley Peterson