FARM & ACREAGE — Landlord–Tenant Cash Rent Workshop, Aug. 21

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Nebraska Extension will present a Landlord–Tenant Farmland Cash Rent Workshop on Wednesday, Aug. 21, 1–4 p.m. at the Lancaster Extension Education Center, 444 Cherrycreek, Road, Lincoln. Check-in starts at 12:45p.m. Please register by Aug. 19 by calling Karen Wedding at 402-441-7180. Cost is $15 per person or $25 per two people sharing handouts. Pay at the door with check, cash or debit/credit card. Refreshments provided.

This workshop will cover current trends in cash rental rates and land values, lease provisions, crop and grazing land considerations, plus current UNL crop budget information. It is very helpful if both the tenant and landlord can attend together.

Nebraska Extension land specialists Allan Vyhnalek, Austin Duerfeldt, Glennis McClure and Jim Jansen conduct research and outreach in land management, crop budgets, communications and negotiations. They will address common agricultural landlord and tenant questions such as:
• What does an equitable rental rate look like for my land?
• How do I manage a farmland lease?
• How could the lease be adjusted for recent flood damage?
• What should I expect for communications between the landlord and tenant?
• What are key pasture leasing considerations including stocking rates?
• Who is responsible for cedar tree removal from grazing land?
• What does it cost to raise crops on my ground?

The workshop in Lincoln is one of six presented in Eastern Nebraska during July and August. Information about all workshops, as well as related resources, are online at

For more information about workshop topics, contact Allan Vyhnalek at or 402-472-1771, or contact Jim Jansen at
or 402-261-7572.