Each month following the Student Organization Leaders' monthly meeting, a Consent Agenda outlining the general business of each student organization is made available to the Law College Community. Copies can be found in the lobby and student lounge, and a digital edition can be found on the Current Students-Upperclass Information page under Student Organizations at http://law.unl.edu/current/documents/consentagenda031214.pdf. This is an effort to help inform the student body about upcoming events.
College of Law Sounding Block Mon. March 17, 2014
- This Week at a Glance
- Carlson’s Ethics Refresher #28
- From the Library
- Student Organization Leaders' February Consent Agenda
- Simpson wins ABA/Forum on the Construction Industry Law Student Writing Competition
- 3Ls Compete in International Law School Mediation Tournament, Bring Home Trophy
- Cedfeldt, Putz, Coleman and Burkstrand-Reid Recognized During UNL Women’s Week
- CLEP Filling Officer Positions
- Don’t forget – Sign up for Summer Financial Aid this MONDAY MARCH 17th!
- Should We Disenfranchise the Dead? A Discussion About Election Integrity
- NSBA Casemaker Training
- Commercial Real Estate Developer Will Scott
- Advance Directives In Nebraska
- 2014 NCLE: What Female Lawyers Need to Know About Bias in the Workplace
- Women's Law Caucus Professional Clothing Drive
- Commercial Real Estate Summit
- Roscoe Pound Judicial Reception
- The Cook County Bar Association’s MINORITY LAW STUDENT JOB FAIR