![Blake Simpsom](https://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/files/file40753.jpg)
3L Blake Simpson’s article, Plunging into the Abyss: American’s Crumbling Infrastructure and the Future of Statutes of Repose In the Aftermath of the I-35W Bridge Collapse was chosen as the winner of this year’s competition. 2L Nick Batter was a finalist with his article, P3 Past and Future: Looking to History to Identify Risks Ahead.
There were a total of 35 entrants from 14 law schools at what Professor Overcash described as the "Super Bowl" in the industry.
As winner of the competition, Blake receives a $2,000 cash prize, a plaque commemorating his achievement, an expense paid trip to New Orleans to attend the Forum’s annual meeting and awards luncheon in April. His achievement will be included in the Forum’s newsletter, Under Construction, to which he will receive a one-year membership upon graduation; and the opportunity for his article to be published in one of the Forum’s two publications.
Congratulations to Blake and to Nick on representing the College of Law so well in this national competition!