Concepts being used to formulate UNL's Campus and Landscape Master Plans are available online for review and to post feedback.
The new website, http://www.planbigideas.com, is designed like a social media site, allowing users to review and download the concepts, comment on the plans, suggest other ideas and discuss suggestions made by others.
"The website is designed to give a sense of what elements people really like or dislike within the concepts that have been presented," said Jennifer Dam, assistant director of campus planning and space management. "The information submitted through the website will be incorporated as we move forward in the master planning process."
The website is part of Sasaki Associates' overall plan to gather information and feedback that will be used to craft the UNL Campus and Landscape Master Plans. Sasaki, based in Watertown, Mass., is the planning/design firm selected to develop the new master plans.
The website was created via MindMixer, a web-based platform designed to be a "virtual town hall" that encourages civic engagement on community projects. MindMixer is based in Omaha and its founders include UNL graduates.
To participate in the feedback forums, register through MindMixer. Registration can be linked through Facebook. Participants can also share concepts from UNL's master plan MindMixer site on a variety of social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn.
"This is a critical time for people to provide input and ideas on what they want the campus to look like in the future," said Dam. "Right now, these plans are still fluid. But after November, the plans will become more refined and be much more difficult to change."
Representatives from Sasaki will return to UNL for open houses Nov. 26 in the Nebraska Union and Nov. 27 in the East Union. Both open house sessions are 3:30 to 5 p.m.
After final campus reviews in January, the campus and landscape master plans will be presented to the Board of Regents in late spring or early summer.
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/planbigideas