The University Theatre season continues with Steven Dietz's timely play "Paragon Springs." The production opens with a performance 7:30 p.m. Nov. 8 in the Temple Building's Studio Theatre.
"Paragon Springs" is based on the Henrick Ibsen play "An Enemy of the People." The healing waters of the American heartland town Paragon Springs have been mysteriously poisoned. Dr. Thomas Stockman (played by Nate Releaux), the town's principal citizen-activist, is bent on the truth, no matter the cost.
The production examines issues of greed, social responsibility and moral quandary. Although originally written in the 19th century, the play is especially timely in a modern election year.
The production continues with 7:30 p.m. performances Nov. 9 and 14-16, and 2 p.m. Nov. 11 and 18 in the Studio Theatre. Tickets are $16 general admission; $14 faculty, staff and senior citizens; and $10 for students with valid identification. Tickets are available at the Lied Center ticket office, 402-472-4747, online at http://www.unltheatretickets.com, and at the door one hour prior to curtain.
Seating is limited in the Studio Theatre. Reservations are recommended.
Dietz's adaptation is set in 1926 amid the birth of radio. Political gamesmanship, pollution, cover-ups, whistle-blowing and personal integrity all unfold in an illuminating and entertaining drama. Director UNL Theatre professor of practice Carrie Lee Patterson said she “is not interested in finding answers, only asking questions.”
The production is directed by Carrie Lee Patterson, professor of practice in theatre.
The production is created by graduate students David Tousley (scenic), Beth Skinner (costumes), Christine Donaghy (technical direction), undergraduate students Michael Fortkamp (lighting), Richard McDermott (sound), and is stage managed by undergraduate Megan Kraft. Cast members, all undergraduates, are Clare M. Carl, Meghan Modrovsky, Devon Schovanec, Michael Lee, Cale T. Yates, Will Voelker, Maggie Austin, Thomas Boyle, Jaimie Pruden and Ruleaux.
The production fulfills requirements for Master of Fine Arts degrees for Skinner and Donaghy. Fortkamp, Kraft, Ruleaux, Schovanec and Yates will complete requirements for Bachelor of Arts and Fine Arts degrees through the production.
For more information, go to http://go.unl.edu/yhp.