The Division of Student Affairs is seeking nominations for the 2012-13 Outstanding Student Leader Awards. Nominations are due Nov. 16.
Nominations can be submitted at: http://go.unl.edu/osla_nominate
These awards are given annually to one male and female student, who meet stated criteria and have made the most notable contributions toward the development of leadership qualities in their fellow students at UNL. The awards recognize outstanding leadership in academic, co-curricular, and/or extracurricular activities and involvements.
Recipients of this award are eligible for a scholarship with an approximate value of the cost of in-state tuition for one semester (equal to 15 credit hours) during the student's senior year at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (the scholarship does not include fees or other charges). In addition to the scholarship winners, all finalists and semifinalists are recognized at an awards banquet.
The nomination and selection process reflects a commitment to recognizing the wide variety of student leaders on the UNL campus and their valuable contributions to the campus community.
To be eligible for this award, a student must have:
(1) completed no less than five and no more than six academic year semesters (fall/spring) of full-time
postsecondary enrollment, with the last three semesters completed at UNL, and
(2) at least 67 credit hours completed by the end of the Fall Semester 2012 with a cumulative grade
point average of at least 2.5, and
(3) current full-time (minimum of 12 hours) undergraduate enrollment status at UNL.
All eligible students who are nominated will be asked to complete a Personal Data Form, which will be used in the selection process. Additionally, students will need to request that one fellow student or a faculty/staff member complete a recommendation form, assessing the student’s leadership accomplishments and potential for future achievements. The finalists will be interviewed by a selection committee.
For additional details or questions contact Tonda Humphress at 402-472-3755 or via email thumphress1@unl.edu.
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/award_info