Huskers don't rest on their strengths — they stretch them. Here is a recap of faculty, staff, and students who were recognized this summer for doing big things.
- National news stories during June: Ross Secord, Kate Lyons, Kwakiutl Dreher, William G. Thomas III, Michael Burton, Susan Swearer, Frans von der Dunk, Elizabeth Niehaus, Noori Choi, Eileen Hebets, Steven Schwartz, William Wagner Jr., Victoria Donovan, Jennifer Ryan, Clint Krehbiel, David Boxler, Patrice McMahon, Andrea Basche, John Fech, Chelsea Luthy, Qi (Steve) Hu, Greg Somerville, Robert Powers, Hiep Vu, Scott McVey, Caleb Fangmeier, Monique Farmer, Susan Harris, Dawn O. Braithwaite, Charlotte Narjes, John Hibbing, and Erkut Sönmez.
- Achievements published in early July: Matthew Bentz, Christian Binek, Chris Calkins, Craig Chandler, Jiang Chen, Peter Dowben, David Hage, Ronald Lewis, Phillip Miller, Elizabeth Niehaus, Larkin Powell, Wei Qiao, Lauren Shaul, Bill Watts, and Tian Zhang.
- Achievements published in mid-July: Sasitharan Balasubramaniam, Morgan Cade, Jordan Gonzales, Priscilla Grew, Katrina Jagodinsky, Elizabeth Karnopp, Srivatsan Kidambi, Eunhong Lee, Regan Myers, Jill O’Donnell, Erin Ramsdell, Witawas Srisa-an, and Cassidy Taladay.
- National news stories during July: Eric Markvicka, Qi (Steve) Hu, Ken Bloom, Kelsy Burke, Benny Mote, Amanda Easterly, Casey Kelly, Ryan Sullivan, Galen Erickson, Ruth Woiwode, Adam Houston, Dawn O. Braithwaite, Rajib Saha, Luke Mostello, Kate Lyons, Mark Heineke, Kwame Dawes, Yen Ning Chai, Daniel Schachtman, and Stephanie Futrell.
- Achievements published in early August: Jonis Agee, Toni Anaya, Hamid Bagheri, Sherilyn Fritz, Holly Hatton-Bowers, Patricia Hoene, Alice Kang, Brittany Kruglick, Carole Levin, Martha Mamo, Casey McLynden, Martha Mamo, Marilyn Moore, Brandi Pessman, Russ Ripa, Tim Rosesler, Maddy Stark, Clay Stevens, and Becky Young.