The first migration of content from VidGrid to YuJa is complete. The initial migration included any content created in VidGrid prior to Oct. 30, 2022. These videos can be accessed in your YuJa account under the “My Media Collections” folder in a sub-folder labeled with your email address.
Reminders and Notes
- Faculty are encouraged to create new content directly in YuJa going forward.
- Quizzes that were created in VidGrid have been migrated to YuJa.
- Some thumbnail images may look different in YuJa. Unfortunately, if a video created in VidGrid had a customized thumbnail image, these images were lost in the migration.
- A second “catch-up” migration of videos from VidGrid to YuJa will take place in May 2023 to copy the videos created in VidGrid after Oct. 30, 2022 that were not included in the first migration.
- All content in VidGrid will remain accessible until June 30, 2023.
Canvas Link Updates
YuJa is currently developing a tool that will enable Information Technology Services to automatically update existing VidGrid links in Canvas courses to the new YuJa links (a process commonly referred to as “link swapping”). This process will not be completed until March.
Once YuJa has built the link swapping tool, the priority will be getting summer and fall course links updated. If anything changes with this timeframe, ITS will provide faculty with an update.
Videos created in VidGrid are all still accessible and will continue to function through the end of June 2023. This means that for spring 2023 regular session canvas courses with linked VidGrid content, there is nothing to update or change.
Faculty may update their video links as they are updating courses if they prefer. This brief video explains the process of manually updating VidGrid links in Canvas to new YuJa links.
Help and Training
The Academic Technologies team is hosting a YuJa training session via Zoom on Feb. 8 at 11 a.m. that will cover YuJa basics, including the link replacement process. Registration is available online.
Members of the Academic Technology team are also available to provide YuJa training to groups of faculty. If your college or department has regularly scheduled meetings, an Academic Technology team member would be happy to join and facilitate training during this time or a separate session. Contact Kate McCown at kmccown3@nebraska.edu to schedule a session.
If you need assistance updating VidGrid links or videos in Canvas to YuJa, you can submit a ticket at support@nebraska.edu. Contact Kate McCown, Director of Academic Technologies, at kmccown3@nebraska.edu with any questions about YuJa.