Registration is now open for Student Research Days 2023. The deadline for student presenters to register is March 3 at 5 p.m.
The event shines a light on the research and creative accomplishments of UNL students, offering opportunities for them to showcase their research or creative activity; to communicate their results to other students, faculty and staff; and to facilitate interdisciplinary work by exchanging knowledge and ideas with other individuals as well as across labs and disciplines. Alternate presentation methods are available if they would be more appropriate to showcase a student's work.
The event will take place March 28-29 in the Nebraska Union Centennial Room with undergraduate poster sessions from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. and graduate poster sessions from 3-5 p.m.
Undergraduate Students
Students participating in the Undergraduate Creative Activities and Research Experience (UCARE) program are required to register their poster presentation or creative exhibit; however, the session is open to all students.
Registration and additional information and guidance about the undergraduate session can be found here. Questions about the undergraduate session should be directed to Kali Patterson at ucare@unl.edu.
Graduate Students
A registration link and more about the Graduate Student Research Exhibition can be found here. Questions about the graduate session should be directed to Lisa Rohde at lrohde2@unl.edu.
Judges Needed
Faculty, staff, and graduate students are sought to help judge student posters. If interested, complete and submit this form.
Student Research Days are hosted by the offices of Undergraduate Research, Graduate Studies, and Research and Economic Development.
More details at: https://research.unl.edu/springresearchdays