CTT fall programs: AI, student-centered and inclusive teaching

See the CTT website calendar for upcoming workshops.
See the CTT website calendar for upcoming workshops.

The Center for Transformative Teaching's fall workshops provide a robust opportunity for faculty and instructional staff to refine their teaching methods, engage with emerging technologies, and foster inclusive and effective learning environments. All instructors and GTAs can participate.


Inclusive Teaching and Accessibility: Several workshops this fall focus on creating more inclusive classrooms that support all students, regardless of their backgrounds or abilities. These include sessions on addressing microaggressions, implementing Universal Design for Learning, and supporting students with disabilities by debunking common misconceptions and providing effective strategies.

Student-Centered Learning and Assessment: The CTT continues to emphasize the importance of student-centered teaching approaches. Workshops in this category will help educators design and implement assessments that focus on student needs, explore co-creation in the classroom, and introduce principles of student-centered teaching that can be applied across disciplines.

Cultural Competency and Civil Discourse: A critical area of this fall's programming is helping faculty navigate complex cultural dynamics in the classroom. Workshops will cover topics such as fostering civil discourse, supporting international students, and understanding how to engage with students on sensitive topics like academic integrity and cultural differences.

NCLUDE Learning Communities: The CTT will also be hosting sessions as part of the NCLUDE Learning Community initiative. These workshops focus on teaching strategies that reach every student, promoting equity and inclusion within the learning environment.

Special Focus: AI in Education

In response to the growing impact of artificial intelligence on education, the CTT is offering a dedicated series of workshops on AI. These sessions are designed to help faculty understand, adapt, and integrate AI into their teaching practices effectively:

Creating an AI Policy for Your Syllabus: This workshop helps educators craft clear, ethical policies on AI use in their courses.

Adapting Learning Goals and Assessments in Light of AI: Learn how to modify learning objectives and assessments to account for AI's evolving role in education.

Bias and Ethical Use of AI: This session will explore the ethical implications of AI in the classroom, focusing on mitigating bias and ensuring equitable outcomes.

Integrating AI into Classroom Activities: Learn practical strategies for incorporating AI tools into your teaching to enhance student engagement and learning outcomes.

Why AI Will Not Replace You but Will Change Your Teaching: This workshop addresses the concerns and opportunities AI presents, offering insights into how it will reshape educational practices without displacing the essential role of instructors.

For more information and to register, visit the fall programming sign-up page or the CTT workshops page.

More details at: https://teaching.unl.edu/programming/workshops/