Enhanced Career Services website launched, fall career fairs set


The Career Services website has been revamped with enhanced navigation and resources for students, faculty, and employers. Fall career fairs will begin in September, providing students the opportunity to connect with over 300 employers across various industries.

Career Services Website
The Career Services website has been revamped with enhanced navigation and resources for students, faculty, and employers. The web address remains the same, but all other links have changed. Some resources have been removed or updated. Instructors are advised to update any previous links to the site. Contact Ronesha Love, director of Career Services, at rhoagland3@unl.edu for assistance.

Fall Career Fairs
Career Services has announced the fall career fairs, which offer students an opportunity to connect with a wide array of employers, explore career options, and gain insights into various industries. Over 300 employers are currently registered, and registration still open. Encourage students to attend, as this is an excellent chance for them to expand their professional network.

The list of employers attending each day can be found online.

University Career and Internship Fair - Day 1
Sept. 16 | 12 - 4 p.m. | East Campus Union

  • Agriculture & Food Systems
  • Environment & Natural Resources

University Career and Internship Fair - Day 2
Sept. 17 | 12 - 4 p.m. | Nebraska Union
  • Architecture, Engineering & Construction
  • Science, Research & Development

University Career and Internship Fair - Day 3
Sept. 18 | 12 - 4 p.m. | Nebraska Union
  • Computing, Software, and Data Analytics
  • Economics, Banking & Finance
  • Government, Policy, Public Administration & Law
  • Community Support & Human Services

University Career and Internship Fair - Day 4
Sept. 19 | 12 - 4 p.m. | Nebraska Union
  • Marketing & Communications
  • Management, Human Resources & Sales
  • Hospitality, Sports, Recreation & Wellness

Actuarial Science Fair
Sept. 23 | 4 - 6 p.m. | Hawk’s Hall

Education Career Fair
Oct. 28 | 1 - 3:30 p.m. | Nebraska Union

Preparation Resources
  • Career Fair Prep Resources: Short videos to help students prepare
  • UNL Career Team: Learn about the team of professionals supporting student career development. Students are encouraged to connect with their career coach through their Student Success portal via my.unl.edu.
  • Self-Serve Headshot Stations: Students can update their profile pictures at the self-serve headshot stations during normal business hours in the Career Services office in the Nebraska Union, Room 225 and in the East Campus Union Admin Suite, Room 225.
  • Follow Online: Stay updated with career development tips and resources by following Career Services on social media @UNLCareerServices.

More details at: https://careers.unl.edu/