AGRO 496-101 Exploring the Culture of Agriculture: Creating a Seat at the Table for All

What does it mean to explore the culture of agriculture? Here are a few questions we will “dig” into through weekly reading, writing and discussion:

Who’s voices do we typically hear from when we think about agricultural challenges, and what is the benefit of having more people working together?

Who and what do we think about when we think about farmers? And how about agriculture more broadly? What are some of the “normal” images that we see, and ideas that come to mind?

How do those ideas shape the questions that we ask and answer in our research and classes?

How do expectations about who we are and what we look like - rural, urban, black, white, man, woman, queer, straight - help us or even harm us?

If you are interested in digging into these questions, I invite you to join me and other CASNR students to explore the culture of agriculture.

Maybe you’ve been wondering about how the recent demonstrations for racial equity and justice relate to food production and agriculture? What can we learn from these broader societal conversations that can help us make a seat at the table for all in food, farming and agriculture? These may be difficult things to talk about, but let’s work through it together. Through more communicating on tough topics, we can increase our comfort with the discomfort together.

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