AGRI 310-102 Around the World with Coffee: A Socio-Economic and Historical Journey

Coffee from around the world
Coffee from around the world

The objective of this course is to create awareness about the historical, cultural, and economic dimensions of coffee consumption worldwide. The course is open to students in all classifications and it satisfies the ACE-9 Learning Outcome of global awareness. In addition, the course fulfills the study-abroad requirement, as a virtual study-abroad opportunity.

The learning experience will be structured with a combination of asynchronous distance education and twice-a-week interactive conferences on zoom 2-hour sessions. These two-hour sessions will be used for instructor’s lectures, guest speakers, experiential opportunities as well as discussions.

Each week will focus on a different theme.
Week 1
Introduction about the course. This week will also be dedicated to the theme of social and cultural dimensions of life in Ethiopia, the home of the coffee plant.

Week 2
This week will be concentrated on learning about the migration of coffee to the Middle East; then to Europe and Asia, subsequently to the Americas.

Week 3
This week will be about coffee trade and value addition.