Lancaster County 4-H is proud to announce Kari Schepers of Roca as winner of the October “Heart of 4-H Award” in recognition of outstanding volunteer service.
A 4-H volunteer for 4 years, she helps in a variety of ways:
• Leader of the Wonder Cats 4-H club, which she founded.
• A parent volunteer with the 4 On the Floor 4-H dog club.
• A parent volunteer with the Tails N’ Trails 4-H horse club.
• Member of Lancaster County 4-H Council.
Kari also helps her 4-H clubs participate in community service projects, such as the Wonder Cats hosting a carnival-type booth at Kiwanis Karnival for Elliot Elementary school families, and taking miniature horses to nursing homes and events for children.
“I like being a 4-H volunteer because 4-H offers such a neat variety of programs for youth, and I enjoy learning with the 4-H members,” she says. “My favorite experience as a 4-H volunteer was when our Wonder Cats club was interviewed on Arden Moore’s nationally syndicated radio show, ‘Four Legged Life.’ The club learned how a radio show is produced and got to talk on the air with Arden.”