As you encounter the first exams and papers of the semester, you or your friends may feel overwhelmed and in need of additional support. Here are three campus resources to know about:
- Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) offers free counseling for all UNL students in a short-term counseling model. Same-day initial evaluations (first appointments) and crisis counseling appointments are available. In addition to individual counseling, CAPS offers Let’s Talk (informal conversations with a counselor) and numerous drop-in workshops on topics like anger management, body image, assertiveness, transitioning to college and a variety of life skills.
- Counselors-in-Residence are an additional convenient resource if you live in a residence hall on-campus. While located in a designated hall, counselors can meet with any student. Counselors offer one-on-one appointments, drop-in consultations, group sessions and participate in hall programming.
- Well-being Coaches are student volunteers trained to help peers build resilience through techniques like practicing gratitude, cultivating self-compassion, taking in the good, forming a growth mindset and more. Coaches engage in conversations to discuss strengths and improve nine dimensions of personal well-being. They also can serve as a peer to connect with and share thoughts.
Want to learn more? Bring a presentation to your class or student organization. Big Red Resilience & Well-being and Counseling and Psychological Services each offer numerous presentations to help educate students, faculty, staff on mental health topics and their services.