All undergraduate students are invited to participate in the 2021 Nebraska Summer Research Symposium on Wednesday, August 4. Students will prepare a 5-8 minute video for this online event showcasing their research and creative activity from Summer 2021.
Students do not need to be part of a structured research program like UCARE or the McNair Scholars Program to participate. All undergraduates are welcome to create a video for the symposium.
Video registrations are due by July 14. Submit them here. Students will have access to MediaHub by July 21 and videos should be uploaded by August 2. (Participants from UCARE, the McNair Scholars Program, and the Nebraska Summer Research Program should upload their video by July 28.)
A tutorial on using VidGrid and MediaHub is available here. Students should prepare their video under the guidance of their faculty research advisor and are also invited to contact Justina Clark, director of undergraduate research, with any questions about creating and uploading their video.
More details at: https://research.unl.edu/events/researchdays_nuramp.php?EMSEventUUID=f2d9c4e5-2f3d-4b2b-ba61-fff23d388ff3