Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County - NEBLINE - Sept./Oct. 2021
Clockwise from top left: a 4-H member holding her 150th anniversary-themed painting, 4-H Table Setting contest, one of the 4-H Horse Western shows, and the Meat Goat show.
The 2021 Lancaster County Super Fair was held July 29–Aug. 7 at the Lancaster Event Center Fairgrounds. Over 530 4-H/FFA exhibitors showcased over 4,100 exhibits (including static exhibits, Clover Kids, animals and contest entries). Continue reading…
Nationally, Farm to School is an intentional effort to connect local food producers to schools, early care and education sites. Farm to School enriches community connections with fresh, healthy food grown by local food producers by implementing local-food purchasing and Continue reading…
Buying local food helps support local farmers and the economy while knowing where your food comes from. Prepare the following recipe using locally grown ingredients. Continue reading…
Fall is a great time for composting and there are many ways it can be done. Putting your landscape plant materials — such as tree leaves, grass clippings, food vegetative waste and garden waste — to good use provides many benefits to the landscape and also lightens the load on our landfill. Continue reading…
Nebraska Extension’s GROBigRed Virtual Learning Series brings Extension experts from across the state to answer your garden questions. Vegetable Gardening Beyond Basics programs will take place through October... Continue reading…
Select accent plants for your landscape that will provide autumn colors. Trees that have red fall color are red maple, sugar maple, Norway maple, red oak and scarlet oak. Shrubs with red fall foliage include sumac, viburnum, winged euonymus and barberry. Continue reading…
There are many species of spiders that can be found around and indoor homes and buildings. While most of these spiders are relatively harmless, there are two to be on the lookout for: the black widow and the brown recluse. Continue reading…
Weaning and shipping can be a stressful time in a calf’s life and can cause acute illness. These conditions can include taking in high-risk cattle to co-mingle, weaning your own calves to finish or purchasing ranch source cattle. Continue reading…
4-H grows confident, capable and caring kids! 4-H is America’s largest youth development organization. All youth ages 5–18 may join 4-H.
There are no fees to join 4-H in Lancaster County. Adults — help youth grow by volunteering! 4-H Information Night will be Tuesday, Oct. 5, 6 p.m. Continue reading…
The 4-H Council Golf Tournament Fundraiser will be held Sunday, Oct. 3 at the Woodland Hills Golf Course, 6000 Woodland Hills Drive, Eagle, NE with a 1 p.m. shotgun start. This tournament is a four-person scramble. Registration fee is $75 per golfer or $300 per team. Continue reading…
Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County will present a Youth Science Day for Homeschooled Youth on Tuesday, Nov. 2, 9–11:30 a.m. at the Lancaster Extension Education Center, 444 Cherrycreek Road, Lincoln. Open to all homeschooled youth, grades K–6th (most lessons are geared towards 3rd–5th graders). Continue reading…
All youth ages 8–18 are invited to slip into their lab coat and be a scientist at the Slime, Jelly Worms & Goo: Food Science workshop to be held Saturday, Dec. 4, 9–11:30 a.m. at the Extension Education Center, 444 Cherrycreek Road, Lincoln. Continue reading…
The Lincoln Sam’s Club on Andermatt Drive recently donated $1,000 to Lancaster County 4-H Council through a store grant! Lancaster County 4-H Council raises funds to help support local 4-H youth programs, activities and scholarships.
Congratulations to the eight Lancaster County 4-H Clubs who received 2021 Governor’s Agricultural Excellence Awards: Blazing Saddles, Five Star 4-H’ers, Fusion 4-H’ers, Joe’s Clover Knights, 4-H Teen Council, NE Equestrian, Southern Lancaster Kids and Unified Showing. Continue reading…
Over 138 4-H youth from 49 different counties across the state competed in the state 4-H Public Speaking Contest in June. The following Lancaster County 4-H’ers earned purple ribbons.
The 2021 Fonner Park State 4-H Exposition was held July 10–14 in Grand Island. Here are the Lancaster County 4-H’er purple and top 10 ribbon winners. Complete results and additional photos are at Continue reading…
Nebraska 4-H offered new statewide volunteer recognition awards this year. Ron and Barb Suing’s family received the 2021 Multi-Generational Volunteer Award!
• 1st generation: Ron and Barb Suing
• 2nd generation: Marlo Yakel and Nikki Casburn
• 3rd generation: Marlo’s children, Kylee Schirmer... Continue reading…
The Lancaster County 4-H Livestock Booster Club awards two $500 college scholarships each year which are presented at the Lancaster County Super Fair 4-H/FFA Livestock Premium Auction. A portion of the proceeds from the auction funds these scholarships. This year’s scholarship recipients were Grant Continue reading…
Congratulations to the Lancaster County 4-H’ers who showcased their projects at the 2021 Nebraska State Fair! Here are the Lancaster County 4-H youth winners of special awards and purple ribbons. Complete results are online at Continue reading…
Lancaster County 4-H is proud to announce Tim and Jenny Higgins of Crete as co-winners of the September “Heart of 4-H Award” in recognition of outstanding volunteer service. They have volunteered for 4-H for 10 years in a variety of roles... Continue reading…
Lancaster County 4-H is proud to announce JJ and Amy Frink of Lincoln as co-winners of the October “Heart of 4-H Award” in recognition of outstanding volunteer service. They have volunteered with Lancaster County 4-H for nearly five years. Continue reading…
Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County recently hired three staff members who will help support Extension’s local programs.
Emily Kern began working as a county Clerk Typist II in July. Emily will support the 4-H youth development program and assist in receptionist duties. Continue reading…
Recently, University of Nebraska–Lincoln staff reaching an anniversary year of employment were honored for their years of service to the university. The following Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County staff were recognized:
• Sarah Browning, Extension Educator — 20 years
• Kayla Colgrove... Continue reading…
The Lancaster County Board of Commissioners seek community members to serve on the Lancaster County Extension Board. Vacancies will be filled with three-year appointments beginning in January 2022. Extension Board members advocate for and assist Extension staff... Continue reading…
The monthly NEBLINE newsletter is published in this e-newsletter format as well as PDF format. A print version is available free to residents in U.S. postal codes: 683xx, 684xx, 685xx, 68003, 68017, 68065.
Upcoming 4-H events and deadlines are published in the "4-H - Lancaster County" weekly e-newsletter. All enrolled 4-H families who provide their email address in 4HOnline automatically receive this e-newsletter. Anyone can view it at
Originally published September 22, 2021 -
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